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Harry’s Best Deluxe Moustache Wax

A site devoted to Moustache Waxing and Harry’s Best Moustache Wax


Harry's Moustache WaxThere are quite a few ways to apply moustache wax. The best approach for me is as follows:

Use the little spatula I supplied with the wax or rub your index fingernail across the surface of the tin or tube of wax away from you so that a fair amount of wax is deposited on the top of your nail. It’s best to use your index finger as it’s really the most convenient finger to use. If the wax is really cold, it’s most helpful to warm up the tin of wax in your pocket or by running it under some warm water (closed, of course!). Alternately, I frequently use a small heater - a hair dryer will do, (To order a custom made ‘Stache Wax Heater see the Wax Heater Page) to heat the wax slightly - particularly #26. Then, using the index finger of your other hand, remove the wax from the fingernail and rub and massage it between your thumb and index finger to warm it up and spread it out slightly. Work the wax into one side of your moustache starting at the end and moving toward the center. Repeat the process with your other hand for the other side of your moustache. If your moustache is of the handlebar type, pay particular attention to the ends of the ‘stache. After the wax is applied, comb the moustache with a fairly fine tooth comb in order to distribute the wax and remove any excess. This also assures that each hair of your moustache has wax evenly applied and is appropriately “sticky”. Then twist and twirl the ends of your moustache until it’s styled just the way you want it to look. If the ends still have a “split hair” look, apply a little more wax and twist it tightly again. That should do the trick. As the wax cools, it will set up a little more stiffly.

The wax should last the better part of the day in most circumstances but I’ve always carried a small tin of the wax in my pocket to touch up the ends after I’ve eaten or had                             a few beers. Gotta look good!!

Something else that helps keep those ‘stache hairs in place and looking good when drinking coffee or any other beverage is a proper moustache cup. The cup contains a ledge for the ‘stache to rest on and keep it dry when drinking. I’ve used a moustache cup for years and it really does the job. No more dripping coffee on the papers on my desk! Check out the cups I’ve had made in very limited quantities HERE on this site. Or at:


Using Harry's Moustache Cup Harry's Finest Moustache Cup Harry's American Made Moustache Cups

Using the supplied spatula